About: SEOteric

Recent Posts by SEOteric

The Emotional Price Of Dyslexia

The Dyslexia Educational Network (DEN) is the world’s first broadcasting company for dyslexia. DEN broadcasts worldwide at DyslexiaEd.com. Founder Robert Langston has dyslexia, is a parent of a dyslexic child and has authored of two books about his experiences with dyslexia in school and life. Video Transcript How does it affect you today? I mean,Continue Reading

Untimed Test Strengthens Dyslexic Resolve

The Dyslexia Educational Network (DEN) is the world’s first broadcasting company for dyslexia. DEN broadcasts worldwide at DyslexiaEd.com. Founder Robert Langston has dyslexia, is a parent of a dyslexic child and has authored of two books about his experiences with dyslexia in school and life. Video Transcript I hit middle school – and every teacher’sContinue Reading

University Preregisters Dyslexic Students

The Dyslexia Educational Network (DEN) is the world’s first broadcasting company for dyslexia. DEN broadcasts worldwide at DyslexiaEd.com. Founder Robert Langston has dyslexia, is a parent of a dyslexic child and has authored of two books about his experiences with dyslexia in school and life.

Dyslexic Jackie Stewart – Racing Superstar Tackles Dyslexia

Dyslexic Jackie Stewart Former race car driver Jackie Stewart talks about his personal battle with dyslexia, chronicled in his new book “Winning is not Enough. The Power Of dyslexia is dedicated to serving the dyslexic community by providing a Free online community where dyslexics and those touched by dyslexia can post questions, provide advise andContinue Reading

FREE audio books for people with print disabilities

FREE audio books for people with print disabilities Published on May 4, 2010 by Robert Langston How people with print disabilities can get my books and many others for FREE Wow, what an honor! The organization Learning Ally has recorded both my books (For the Children and The Power of Dyslexic Thinking) for its audioContinue Reading

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